Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Surreal San Miguel

OK, I'll admit to having a few chemically aided hallucinagenic experience in my youth, and for a number of reasons I'm no longer really interested in giving it another go. I enjoyed the visuals, just not quite everything else that went along with it. Segway to San Miguel, ah this glorious little town that is a Felini-esque Mexican colonial Disneyland with a little Dali thrown in. Who needs LSD when you can walk down a cobble stone street at night and see this, without the chemical after effects...

Nope, it's not Photoshop. In honor of the Mexican bicentenial, French artist Xavier de Richemont is painting San Miguel's Parroquia in light every weekend until 2012. With an intense musical backup, this gothic marvel melts and transforms in a kaleidascope of colors and images evocative of Mexico's culture and history.

My photos do not do justice to this experience. Take a look at de Richemont's site. Try Googling a few YouTube videos to get a sense of the sound. To be honest though none of it matches the real thing. Sort of like trying to explain "tracers." You just kind of have to experience it for yourself.

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