Thursday, February 19, 2009

Falling in love again

I know it's been almost a month since my last post and given that my days are pretty loosely structured now to say the least, I have no excuse. OK, I have one excuse. I started this blog to give all my friends a glimpse of my adventures abroad and now that I'm back in San Francisco, well, it doesn't seem so exotic anymore.

But frankly, side-stepping the 9-5 for a while has given me time to fall in love with my city and my little neighborhood all over again. And while it's not exactly "exotic" I'm finding some sweet little experiences. For instance, in lieu of shelling out $50 a month to my gym, I'm now taking a long walk every morning... along the shoreline. And I don't even have to get in my car to get there! How wonderful to watch a breeze ripple along the water instead of my own rippling cellulite as I plod along the treadmill. And who doesn't love being able to walk to UPS and be the only person there to pick up a package, or be able to take advantage of free first of the month Tuesdays at the de Young?

I have to be careful though. I know this relationship won't last, so perhaps it's best to cut it short while the memories are still sweet. Anyone want to rent a cute little cottage in Potrero Hill?

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