Wednesday, September 3, 2008

On my way

Hard to believe that this is it - tomorrow I board a flight at 6:35 AM and 20+ hours later I land in Casablanca (with a nice stopover in New York for dinner at Balthazar with my friend Shellie).

Actually, getting on a plane to go to Morocco isn't that hard to believe. Accepting the fact that I'll be gone for 3 months is. Although my house is pristine with empty cabinets and closets ready to be filled by my renter (Leah), it still doesn't feel like I won't just be back in a couple weeks... which makes me fearful that in spite of my extremely heavy (though not bulging) suitcase, I still may have forgotten something really important. (those who know me well are laughing at that comment - but just wait until I call in a panic asking that you FedEx my eyeglasses or something absurd).

So... one last TV goggle and it's goodnight San Francisco (and what a TV night it promises to be - those wacky Republicans. Any bets on when we'll be seeing the talking Sarah Palin VP Candidate Barbie?).

Stay tuned and don't forget to write!


Unknown said...

You did it! I hope everything is going great as you get used to the new life you'll live for the next few months. Can't wait to keep track of the journey.........

Leah Hunter said...

The closet was empty! (I only expected half.) My ridiculous shoe collection and I thank you.